Thursday, March 17, 2011

It's time to think about serving on the grand jury of Humboldt County

Allan Edwards/For the Times-Standard
Posted: 03/17/2011 01:30:32 AM PDT

In his inaugural speech of January 20, 1961, President Kennedy admonished all of us to stand willing to serve our country. In that same address he also said some equally important words: “Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.”

Liberty is not easy to keep alive, nor is it convenient to maintain. It demands personal sacrifice. Our Founding Fathers knew this, maintaining that we need a participatory citizenry, one that works actively for the well-being of our nation as well as our individual communities in order for liberty to thrive. But how can ordinary citizens be active participants in the maintenance of liberty and democratic governance?

One of the institutions the founders established was citizen participation in the oversight of those who govern -- the Grand Jury. It is a time-honored, prestigious and very necessary part of the judicial branch of government, and every county in California affords its citizens the opportunity to serve their communities by applying for possible selection to become a member of the County Grand Jury. Each year that opportunity to step up and serve the community comes up, and that time is now.

As former grand jury foreman Matt Morehouse states, “Service as a Grand Juror is at times frustrating, difficult and maddening,but it is at all times personally enriching and rewarding.” True, the work is sometimes demanding, sometimes tedious, but it is never boring. The rewards, however, are many. Most important is serving the demands of democracy. But on a personal level, hear some more comments from former jurors:

”As a former member of the Grand Jury in this county, I would like to state that the experience is one that I had looked forward to for many years. As an officer in county administration in two other counties, I was not eligible for the Grand Jury. When I was chosen for the Grand Jury in Humboldt County, the experience was even more than I had expected, leaving me with a sense of accomplishment and a desire to serve again another year. It is heady stuff, this work, and I can only urge that if one is interested in offering services to the community, this is a fantastic way to do so.” -- Phil Minor.

”Two direct benefits come to mind when I consider my service on the Grand Jury. First, the educational value is immeasurable. Like most laypeople, I didn't know much about how our local government worked. The second benefit is the formation of many good and fast friendships. When you spend that much time together, two or three days a week for an entire year, you naturally discover the strengths and weaknesses in one another and learn to work together as a team. I would serve again in a heartbeat and encourage anyone with the ability and the time to do so.” -- Keath North

If you would like to serve our county, the Humboldt County Chapter of the California Grand Juror's Association urges you to apply for service. Remember those famous statements telling us that if good men and women remain silent, do nothing, fail to contribute to the maintenance of our cherished way of life and liberty, then those not so good will fill the void. Please consider applying. You may do so directly by sending a letter of interest to: Jury Services Office, 825 Fifth St. Eureka, CA 95501

To learn more about service on the Humboldt County Grand Jury, you can call 476-2475 or visit the Grand Jury's website at

Allan Edwards is a former member of the Humboldt County Grand Jury.

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