Sunday, August 21, 2011

Insulting (Marin Grand Jury) citizen volunteers

The grand jury, by its very nature, tends to be critical of the issues it addresses. It presents another viewpoint of information that might be useful. Not unlike hearing from your doctor, lawyer, stockbroker or accountant, it presents information you might not be aware of and you might want to act on.

The Corte Madera Town Council's response the the report and recommendations of the 2010-11 grand jury is dismissive and insulting.

Councilman Michael Lapppert's comment that the grand jury is comprised of "housewives and hardware store owners" is insulting to the citizens who volunteer and who are empaneled grand jurors. Local citizens give up quite a bit of time because they care about Marin.

What is his attitude about the fitness of ice cream store owners to serve?

This dismissive attitude by the council is nothing new and should come as no surprise, as this is consistent with its response to any criticism.

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