Sunday, October 9, 2016

[Sacramento County] Report: Galt Police plan to focus on domestic violence

GALT — The Galt Police Department plans to assign one detective to follow up with domestic violence cases no later than one day after the reported incident. Under the proposal, prepared by Police Chief Tod Sockman, the department also plans to work closer with victim advocate groups to provide support.
The changes should be in effect by March 1, he said in a report to the city council.
The goal is the result of a Sacramento County Grand Jury report that reviewed whether the crime was an inconsistent priority for law enforcement agencies. Although Galt Police Department was not the focus of the review, the city is required to respond to the findings with a plan by the end of the month.
The Grand Jury is tasked annually with the responsibility of investigating and reporting on the operations within the county.
In its most recent report, released on June 30, Grand Jury members recommended all law enforcement agencies within Sacramento County should demonstrate their commitment to addressing domestic violence adequately by having fully functional domestic violence units that focus on response, investigations, follow-up, tracking and collection of comprehensive domestic violence data, as well as establish partnerships with related advocacy groups and provide specialized training for all patrol officers and detectives to deal with domestic violence incidences.
The report drew attention to both Citrus Heights and Elk Grove police departments identifying them as model programs that use comprehensive and coordinated approaches to domestic violence.
September 16, 2016
Lodi News-Sentinel
By Jennifer Bonnett

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