ROBLES – The Paso Robles Joint Unified School District (PRJUSD) Board of
Trustees met on Saturday, Jan. 9, to review, in detail, the entire Grand Jury
Report titled “Paso Robles School District: A Cautionary Tale,” dated Nov. 17,
report reads like a fictional story; however, it explains the events in detail
that led to the school districts’ financial crisis.
members spent several hours reviewing, discussing, and giving insight into the
findings of errors found by the Grand Jury.
President Christopher Arend started the meeting by requesting a change to the
order of the agenda. The Board voted 6-0 to move the discussion about retaining
the council to the end of the agenda.
Lance Gannon was not in attendance.
report starts by giving a brief overview of the school district’s financial
problems between 2015 and 2018, which led them to become subject to a second
Grand Jury investigation, with the first being in 2012.
report is broken down into three parts; School District Leadership, District
Reserve Management, and The Aquatic Complex.
to the summary, the report was “self-generated, prompted by news reports in
accordance with the guidelines for the Grand Jury.”
Baker called in for public comment on item F1 prior to the board starting. “I
hope that this will finally come to a conclusion. I also hope that the board
takes this very seriously; the fact that this took two months for this meeting
is a little concerning to me. The voters take it seriously; the voters rejected
four incumbents that were involved in this Grand Jury, everyone that they
possibly could they voted out of office.”
continued, “The grand jury did not really touch too much on what I would say
the human factor in terms of the intimidation, retribution, harassment,
bullying in general abuse of employees in this school district. I hope that the
School Board looks at that because it was a big big part of what happened under
the Williams administration, not him but also some of his staff, and the whole
Board had an attitude lets move on, not look back rather a cavalier attitude, I
thought so I hope it changes now, and again I hope that this board recognizes
what the people want… I hope that this is done and I hope that it is
transparent and I hope that it is specific, and I hope that it is put to rest
once and for all so that this district can move forward in a positive
atmosphere that is has in the past it is a great school district.”
a slightly heated conversation between Trustees Tim Gearhart and Chris Bausch
regarding a motion allowing Board members to disclose information from a closed
session proposed by Trustee Arend, it was decided to not to allow
chapter on leadership focused on three “key elements,” the district
superintendent and administration: two, the School Board of Trustees and third,
the County Board of Education.
report states that the purpose of this chapter is to report on the
investigation into the impact of leadership failures at all three levels.
the Dec. 7, 2018, PRJUSD Special Board Meeting, Joan Summers, Former Board
President, announced, “Superintendent Williams initiated his resignation, and
we are sad to say that the Board and Superintendent Williams came to a mutual
agreement effective 60 days from today, Dec. 7.”
thanked former Superintendent Williams on behalf of the Board for all of his
hard work since coming to the district in August of 2014. “I want to thank you for
your moral integrity, your one team one dream, your passion for student
vote back in 2018 was 6-1 to accept the resignation of Williams. Trustee Chris
Bausch voted no and did not want to see Williams leave. “I don’t want to see
Mr. Williams resign,” Bausch said. “I want to see the good work that he started
continue, albeit within our financial limitations. Mr. Williams has done some
great things. He has done everything the board has asked him to do, and that is
why we are in a financially compromised situation. He will be missed.”
to the Grand Jury report, Williams negotiated a lucrative severance package as
a condition of his resignation without the approval of the San Luis County
Office of Education (SLOCOE). SLOCOE reported that the former superintendent
did not meet his contract’s requirements that would entitle him to any
severance package; however, the resignation was accepted and remunerated by the
outgoing Board of Trustees.
SLOCOE monitor stated they were not a part of the first negotiation and should
have been, and they would not have approved the original agreement. The County
Superintendent ended up negotiating a new agreement with smaller terms that
saved the cost of a protracted lawsuit.
the Board reviewed the document details, several members’ mishandlings by the
Grand Jury could be traced back to Williams.
members Chris Bausch and Tim Gearhart were both board members when former
Superintendent Chris Williams was in position. Both members expanded on their
experience with Chris Williams and corroborated the corruption that was
Bausch and Gearhart were able to provide insight into the district atmosphere
while under Chris Williams. Both provided examples of miscommunication between
the former Superintendent and the Board of Trustees.
accusations were made that insinuated Chris Williams hired many unqualified
people out of the district who had ties to Chris Williams, rather than hiring
qualified individuals within the district.
yet-to-be-built Aquatics Complex was heavily discussed as the Grand Jury
highlighted the plan as an example of the School Board failures.
the Grand Jury report, “The purpose of the report is to illustrate how the
administration of the Paso Robles Joint Unified School District (PRJUSD) erred
and created financial blunders that impacted the entire district operation. The
Grand Jury (SLOGJ) believes that nothing illustrates these failures better than
the example of the Aquatic Complex plan, which to date, is not close to being
Grand Jury report mentioned in their findings of Chapter 3: The Aquatics
Complex, that there is a lack of support from the community for the complex.
idea was refuted by a public caller and Trustee Nathan Williams (no relation to
Chris Williams), and Tim Gearhart.
is plenty of evidence out there showing the community has a great deal of
support,” said Trustee Williams.
report stated a lack of funding for the complex proved community support was
evident, which was explained by Trustee Williams and a public caller that
COVID-19 had prevented fundraising efforts not because there is no interest in
the complex.
reaching the report’s recommendations portion, the Board motioned to table
agenda item F.2 and F.4 to be discussed at the Jan. 12 meeting at 4 p.m.
on how to proceed will be discussed at the Jan. 12 meeting; updates on the
progress and outcome will be forthcoming.
PRJUSD Second Special
Meeting Jan. 12
Paso Robles Joint Unified School District (PRJUSD) met for a second time on Tuesday,
Jan. 12, at 4 p.m. to continue their special meeting from Sat. Jan. 9, which
focused on the Grand Jury Report: Paso Robles Schools: A Cautionary Tale.
board continued their discussion of the recommendations made by the Grand Jury
in the report.
board must submit its responses to all findings and recommendations to the San
Luis Obispo County Superior Court no later than Feb. 17.
regards to the second recommendation, which states:
District shall require comprehensive training for new hires who are responsible
for financial accounting and business operations.”
Tim Gearhart commented on the recommendation saying, “We’ve done that.”
Bausch commented that he hadn’t seen any training for financial employees.
Although he trusts there is training in place, he suggests everyone knows and
understands what the training entails.
said, “I think what happened last time, during Mr. William’s tenure, people
knew and saw what was happening, but they were terrified to come forward and
tell anybody. If somebody called me, it was under penalty of secrecy, and I
could not tell anybody.”
three suggested a revamp of board meeting structures to allow for a more
focused agenda.
president Arend, agreed they need more focused agendas but mentioned that it
couldn’t be done depending on the circumstances. A great example of this was
how COVID brought a brutal amount of agenda items to the table, all of which
were time-sensitive.
to meeting agendas, Bausch brought up, “We get all of the information to help
say yes, and agree with staff suggestions. We get very little information or
shown where to find information for something that opposes staff
recommendation. That’s not fair. We’re led to make a positive decision in the
staff’s favor. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing in every case, but it goes
back to Tim’s point of rubber-stamping it-there are negative things, and we
need to know what happens if we say no, we need to know what happens if we say
Curt Dubost responded to Trustee Bausch’s statement saying they would work on
bringing more information to the table.
Bausch motioned to adjourn the special board meeting to be continued Jan. 19 at
4 p.m. to resume discussion on Recommendation 10 and conclude the rest of the
agenda, seconded by Dorian Baker and passed 7-0.
Robles Express
By Camille DeVaul
January 14, 2021