Friday, July 29, 2011

Irvine council says its salaries are not as high as grand jury thinks

July 27, 2011 | 4:01 pm

The Irvine City Council is disputing findings by the Orange County Grand Jury that its members are among the highest paid countywide.

A county compensation study concluded that Irvine has the highest annual compensated City Council members, with a base pay of $21,120 and benefits of $26,976.

But the council has drafted a letter saying the findings are flawed, the Daily Pilot reported.

The letter states that "the Grand Jury erroneously added together the annual salary of each member of the City Council and the annual salary of those who also serve, in a separate and distinct capacity, as members of the Board of Directors of the Orange County Great Park Corporation."

The annual salary figure for Irvine City Council members should be $10,560, the letter said.

The grand jury study also found that public disclosure of municipal compensation ranges from "good to nonexistent," and that employment contracts are not found on the majority of city websites.

The council disagreed on both counts, saying the city's compensation Web page posts elected officials' and management employees' salaries and benefits, and the city manager's contract.

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