Saturday, October 15, 2011

Butte Grand Jury once again taking a look at PRPD

By Paul Wellersdick
Staff Writer
Posted: 10/13/2011 07:48:31 AM PDT

Paradise Recreation and Park District is again the subject of a Grand Jury investigation, one its manager welcomes.

"It's not abnormal at all," PRPD Manager Mike Trinca said. "They basically look at public entities, that's their job They're trying to make government work better and that's great."

Trinca was the first agency to hand over the requested information - in this case 1,000 pages of documents in a big box, he said. This year's investigation focuses on personnel matters. The jury requested current board of directors' information, a list of current employees and hire dates, four years of board meeting minutes, a copy of the mission statement and master plan. The current investigation is more specifically targeted than last year's, which was a broader investigation into many districts' ethics training, when PRPD was found to be in compliance with the law.

This year Trinca expects no surprises, but does expect some questions and comments.

"You know, the big thing is, if it's something you force yourself to do, it sits on the shelf," he said. "Most of our stuff (consists of) active documents - we use them, so that's what keeps (them) alive. I feel really good about what we've got."

The district's master plan is a year old; its personnel manual is four years old and has been updated since.

"Everything is up to date, it's as current as we've ever been," Trinca said.

He said he's interested to see what perspective the Grand Jury can bring to the district with a fresh set of eyes. The district meets with the jury next week for the first time. Trinca informed the board about the investigation at the regular board meeting, which started at 6 p.m. for the first time since the meeting time was moved up from 7 p.m. last month. The board meeting was brief, at 55 minutes, an unofficial record, Trinca joked.

Director Steve Rodowick replaces the late Steve Williams as board secretary, while Lara Gularte, the Magalia resident elected last month, was appointed to the Magalia and Crain parks committees as well as the recreation and park committee. Rodowick was also appointed as representative at the Paradise Irrigation District's lake committee.

Also, work is continuing on the retaining wall facing Skyway at the Terry Ashe Recreation Center north of Elliott Road. Weather permitting, the project should be completed by January.

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