Wednesday, May 13, 2020

[Santa Barbara] County Grand Jury Reviews Conditions of Prisons

Under California Penal Code Section 919 (b), the Grand Jury is required to “inquire into the condition and management of the public prisons within the county.” The 2019-20 Santa Barbara County Grand Jury visited all detention facilities in the County, consisting of the two principal County jails, the Lompoc City jail, the various police, sheriff and Superior Court holding facilities, the two juvenile detention facilities, the County Coroner’s Bureau and the Sobering Center - a total of twenty facilities.
The Grand Jury was impressed overall by the professionalism and dedication of the detention facility teams interviewed. These individuals play a critical role in keeping our communities safe. While a number of findings and recommendations were identified, none of these related to any deficiency in the way these professionals are performing their responsibilities.
The Jury is encouraged by the construction of the Northern Branch Jail and the relief it will make to the overcrowding in the Main Jail and added safety improvements. The Jury was impressed with the County employees’ creativity in making improvements above-and- beyond, and the dedication of volunteer organizations that are making a big difference, particularly in youth programs.
The majority of the findings and recommendations stem from the lack of funding, funding that is essential to add staff where needed, funding to upgrade older buildings, and funding to add new mission-critical technical systems for safer management.
The complete reports with agency responses are posted on the Grand Jury’s website: .
Source: Santa Barbara County Grand Jury
May 4, 2020

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