Tuesday, December 1, 2020

[Marin] County supervisors must do more for homeless

 Blog note: This letter refers to Marin County grand jury reports

Sadly, it appears that the Marin County Board of Supervisors has never really wanted to help the homeless (“State officials rebuke Marin for ditching homeless project,” Nov. 15). Not only has it ignored three Marin Civil Grand Jury reports recommending shelters (and the money is there to support them) but it has always been a force of rejection in finding solutions to a growing homeless problem in Marin.

We are now dealing with a pandemic that has caused thousands of people in this and every community to lose their jobs and more people are losing their homes. Yet the supervisors do nothing. Every opportunity to show some compassion for the most vulnerable is rejected. They seem to be out of touch with how Marin feels about sheltering and helping our homeless.

Shame on the Board of Supervisors. This is a sad moment for the heart of Marin.

Marin Independent Journal Readers’ Forum
Sandra Macleod White, San Rafael
November 29, 2020

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