Tuesday, February 2, 2021

School board seeks outside legal counsel for response to [San Luis Obispo County] grand jury report

–The Paso Robles Joint Unified School District Board of Trustees met for four hours Saturday morning to craft a response to the San Luis Obispo County Grand Jury Report. The report, “Paso Robles School District: A Cautionary Tale”, criticizes the previous board for financial mismanagement during the tenure of former Superintendent Chris Williams and his board of trustees.

The board agreed 5-1 to hire independent legal counsel to help craft its response. Board President Chris Arend voted no, Trustee Lance Gannon did not attend the meeting. Two former board members called in to the meeting to address their actions while serving on the board. Joel Peterson and Joan Summers called into the special meeting to defend the actions of the previous board.

The board then went point-by-point through PRJUSD Board President Chris Arend’s draft response to Grand Jury Presiding Judge Jacquelyn H. Duffy. Their discussion included issues such as conflicts of interest, nepotism, and cronyism, which the Grand Jury said in their report led to teacher morale issues which were documented in two union-sponsored surveys. The current board questioned two trustees who served during that time: Chris Bausch and Tim Gearhart. Those two reflected on the consensus of the board during the years between 2014 and 2018 to help the current board formulate a response to the grand jury.

One of the more serious issues was the $235,000 severance pay awarded to Williams when he resigned. The grand jury wrote, “The superintendent was not eligible for a severance package when he resigned. However, the board extended a negotiated settlement without obligation to do so.” The board discussed Arend’s draft response to the Grand Jury’s statement. Arend reminded trustees during the meeting that he took part in a later meeting with Williams and his attorney which resulted in a “claw-back” almost half of that money.

The board agreed with most of the findings of the grand jury, but disagreed partially with some. The discussion proceeded slowly, and ended at 12:15 p.m. The board agreed to meet Tuesday, Feb. 2nd at 4 p.m. to continue the discussion of the report, so they can send a response back to the Grand Jury, which is required by mid-February.

Paso Robles News
by News Staff
January 31, 2021

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