Thursday, October 21, 2021

Some information about the [Calaveras County] Grand Jury


Every year each county in California selects a set of jurors to serve on the Civil Grand Jury which then investigates the operations of county government. The Civil Grand Jury selects which officers, departments, and local agencies it will investigate based on prior grand jury recommendations, current juror recommendations, and citizen complaints.

As Calaveras County begins its Civil Grand Jury process for 2022, we have an opportunity to let the jury know which officers, departments, and local agencies we want them to investigate. This is an important opportunity for local citizens. Send in a Letter of Concern outlining what you believe needs to be investigated and provide as much supporting evidence as possible.

Submit your citizen complaint online at , or via email to , or via U.S. mail to P.O. Box 1414, San Andreas, CA 95249. Your complaint will be kept confidential. It is important to remember this is a CIVIL Grand Jury examining COUNTY officers, departments, and agencies.

You can also review all previous grand jury reports online to see the results of past investigations. In 2019-2020, the Grand Jury produced seven reports which, in part, discovered property taxes being collected to build a college in Valley Springs that has never materialized and that animal control facilities and operations are severely inadequate and unsafe.

In 2016, an investigation into the sheriff’s department system for filing complaints against the department revealed a lack of consistency by the department in investigating the complaints filed, which meant complaints were not always addressed. Grand jury investigations can also reveal that a department is operating well, such as the county recycling program, which was found to be meeting its goals in 2016.

The Community Action Project and the Calaveras Planning Coalition urge you to stay involved in local issues. Learn more at

Megan Fiske, Outreach Coordinator
Community Action Project/Calaveras Planning Coalition

Calaveras Enterprise
October 20, 2021

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