Grand Jury explains how those writing ballot measures have vested interests and fail to provide impartial summaries
Blog note: This article refers to a recent Alameda County Grand Jury report.
The complex proposals are often well-intentioned and
good policy. The problem is that local officials are so vested in the outcome
that they are frequently incapable of providing voters the impartial
descriptions they deserve.
Most significantly, local officials skew the 75-word
ballot summaries to mislead voters into supporting the measures. In a 2020
editorial, we detailed some of the deceitful tactics.
The Alameda County Civil Grand Jury took it a step
further, conducting a detailed analysis of ballot wording for five measures
from prior elections. The takeaway for voters: Don’t trust the summaries to
fairly tell you what the measures do. The wording, often the only thing many
read, is supposed to be impartial. It isn’t.
That’s because it suffers from what the Grand Jury
aptly calls “proponent bias.” It’s usually written by the same people who craft
the measures, often with assistance from consultants hired at taxpayer expense
to help ensure success at the polls.
As a result, “Ballot questions too often fall short of
what voters have a right to expect in terms of transparency and impartiality,
even when satisfying minimum legal standards,” the 2020-21 Grand Jury
The problem is not unique to Alameda County. Rather,
misleading ballot wording is common for local government measures throughout
the Bay Area and California.
The Grand Jury did not consider the merits of the
measures it reviewed. The only issue was whether the ballot summary was
accurate and impartial.
What the jurors found matches our experience: Local
officials complain that the state’s 75-word limit is too restrictive for them
to fairly portray the measures, yet they use precious space for politically
slanted appeals rather than providing useful information.
For example, the ballot wording for general tax
measures, for which the money can be spent on any legal purpose, often
deceptively implies that funds will go to specific programs perceived to be
more popular with voters.
The money will go to provide “essential services,”
homeless housing, quality education, mental health programs, job training,
pothole repairs, 911 emergency response, youth violence prevention programs …
the list goes on. Yet, in the cases examined by the Grand Jury, the ballot measures
contained no requirements that the money would be spent for those purposes.
One common deceit identified by the Grand Jury is the
ballot-wording claim that a tax measure will remain in effect “until repealed
by voters.” What nonsense. That suggests that there is some sort of repeal
mechanism in the measure. There isn’t. Those taxes are permanent. (And, by the
way, “permanent” is only one word.)
Local tax-measure ballot wording usually emphasizes
that the money cannot be “taken by the state.” Of course it can’t. It’s a local
measure. Meanwhile, the measures, which usually identify the amount of the
proposed tax increases, often fail to state the current levels so voters know
the total they would pay.
The Grand Jury found that glaring omission in a sales
tax measure and in a real estate transfer tax they examined. And they found
similar deception in a measure raising council salaries by what turned out to
be 75% — a number conveniently missing from the ballot wording.
So how is this abuse possible when state law requires
the ballot wording to be “true and impartial”?
First, as the Grand Jury noted, the city attorney or
county counsel reviewing a measure is also “duty bound to represent the
government entities proposing the measures involved. Hence, they also act, by
necessity, as advocates for the proponents of a measure.”
Second, when ballot language is challenged in court,
legal precedent gives officials who drafted the wording “considerable
latitude,” and changes can only be ordered “upon clear and convincing proof
that the material in question is false, misleading or inconsistent with (legal)
Bay Area News Group
January 21, 2022
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