Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Nottoli, county supe. candidates respond to [Sacramento County] grand jury's criticism of county BOS

In a recent report on the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors’ handling of the early months of California’s COVID-19 situation, the Sacramento County Grand Jury determined that the board “abandoned” the county’s public health office.

The report notes that after an extensive investigation, it was determined that the supervisors ignored the county public health officer for five months prior to engaging in dialogue pertaining to the county’s COVID-19 activities and the pandemic’s impact on its residents.

It is also mentioned in the report that although Public Health Officer Dr. Olivia Kasirye asked for assistance early in the COVID-19 situation, she was allowed only one appearance before the board.

That appearance came after she sent a confidential email message to the supervisors, detailing the public health office’s range of pandemic response efforts and the heavy burden that staff and volunteers underwent to protect the community.

The grand jury determined that the public health office’s pandemic response efforts were in stark contrast to Board of Supervisors efforts, and that the board’s “apathy” during this public health emergency, and that the supervisors’ inactions delayed necessary public health program funding and undercut public health order enforcement.

It was recommended by the grand jury that the Board of Supervisors, the county executive and the county Office of Public Health work together to establish a public health emergency response plan to approach future public health orders and best ensure the safety of county residents.

County Supervisor Don Nottoli, who represents Elk Grove in District 5, told the Citizen this week that the pandemic was a learning experience for his board.

“Could things have been smoother?” he asked. “Probably in all likelihood they could have been. But again, I’m not one to make excuses or say that the board didn’t have an appropriate role. We do. We’re the elected representatives for folks in the county.

“But there is a structure by which we operate, as well. There’s a lot of moving parts, and, of course, it was a time that none of us had experienced. Again, that’s not an excuse, but things were unfolding very quickly.”

Nottoli mentioned that the Board of Supervisors will, in the “near future,” present a formal, written response to the Grand Jury’s findings, as well as a response to the Grand Jury’s recommendations.

“We are required by law to respond, but we will, I think, be thoughtful in the way we approach it and give the county’s point of view as it relates to what the Grand Jury has certainly reported,” he said.

Nottoli’s District 5 encompasses more than 650 square miles and includes the Elk Grove, Galt, Rancho Cordova, and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta communities. He will not run for reelection this year.

Elk Grove City Council Member Pat Hume, one of the candidates seeking to become the next District 5 representative in this June’s election, responded to the grand jury’s findings.

“It was obviously an unprecedented time, changing landscape and environment,” he said. “But the most important thing is that there’s a new executive team in place at this point. So, the recommendations might be going back to how the old (chief administrative officer) handled things.”

Hume added that he supports the Grand Jury’s recommendation to have a better plan in place for the board to handle future public health emergencies.

“I think all of that is a good recommendation,” he said. “But I think that it’s kind of poking a dead horse a little bit about what didn’t happen at the time when everyone was caught by surprise.”

Former Elk Grove Mayor Steve Ly, another candidate for the District 5 supervisor seat, also responded to the Grand Jury’s report.

“Decision makers cannot be complacent when it comes to public health and public safety of all residents,” he said. “Elected officials, especially, in any capacity are obligated to do their due diligence in responding to and protecting the people they serve. Listen to and work with your expert staff in serving your constituents.”

Cosumnes Community Services District Board President Jaclyn Moreno, who is also a candidate in the District 5 county supervisors race, said she supports the Grand Jury’s findings and recommendations.

“I agree,” she said. “People were suffering greatly during this time, and I think, unfortunately, politics got in the way, especially in terms of enforcing the mask mandate.

“As I look back to that time as an elected official myself, I felt a lot of pressure to make sure that we were responding quickly and utilizing funding to best support the needs of the community.”

Moreno added that had she been a supervisor on that board, she would have asked for a “quick and swift response” to the financial challenges and other needs of county residents.

District 5 candidate Alex Joe, who also ran for the same seat in 1994 and 1998, noted that he is concerned with the Grand Jury’s findings regarding the Board of Supervisors.

“It is concerning to me, because of the fact that there’s just evidence all over the news every day about deaths in the city, the county, the state, the nation,” he said.

“So, I mean, they’re tracking people dying, and this is a critical period when the virus is in full swing and there’s a need to respond and we don’t take that action. That’s an experience level that someone on the board should take seriously to the extent that you act.”

Elk Grove Citizen
By Lance Armstrong - Citizen Staff Writer
April 15, 2022

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