Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Upset fire board responds to Shasta County Grand Jury report

* By Michael Woodward
* Anderson Valley Post
* Posted July 13, 2010 at 8:40 p.m.

The board of the Anderson Fire Protection District on July 13 approved a response to the Grand Jury's five recommendations made in the investigation of the district. The letter, drafted by Chief Andy Nichols, apparently was a watered-down version of how the board and chief actually felt about the Grand Jury investigation.

"I took a little offense to what they said," Nichols said of the Grand Jury, adding that there was "too much emphasis on us and the board when they should have gone after Joe Piccinini."

Former fire chief Piccinini resigned from his post following a district investigation that found him responsible for sexual harassment and driving district vehicles drunk among other allegations.

"We find the recent Grand Jury Report particularly misguided and having little facts to support the Grand Jury's conclusions," reads the opening paragraph of the district's response. "The report is based on information gathered without having heard from one of the key witnesses, the district's legal counsel."

The letter goes on to state that the board dealt with Piccinini "as swiftly and appropriately as possible."

"(I'm) highly offended by those that criticize but don't have a clue," Chairwoman Marsha Kelley said, asking whether any of the Grand Jury members had any experience working with special districts.

Kelley later qualified the statement, saying she didn't think those serving on the Grand Jury understand the hiring and firing process.

When asked for a copy of the initial draft of the letter, Nichols said the board previously told him to throw the first draft away.

The final draft included the following responses the Grand Jury's recommendations:

• Qualifications must be clearly listed when advertising for new employees. The district responded that "the fire chief is hired directly by the board of directors. Similar to other agencies, there are no pre-established job qualifications for the fire chief. Rather, those qualifications are established each time the position is filled...."

• The district policy manual needs revision and must be enforced by the board "to ensure certification is current and valid" for all emergency personnel. The district agreed, stating that the district "presently does, and will continue, to monitor the status of these certifications...."

• The board "needs to exercise close oversight of the operational and fiscal activities of the District." The district agreed, proposing to create numerous committees including board, staff and volunteers on various aspects of the district. Regarding the operations of the district, the response states that that is the job of the fire chief, but that the chief shall keep the district "informed of all situations which might extend beyond the operations of the organization."

• The board should create a way for employees to confidentially report misconduct. The district responded that board members are often checking-in on employees and volunteers, but the district will make a survey of other districts' policies.

• "The board should consider contacting California Special Districts Association regarding training for all board members." The board responded that the chief is seeking a way to get all special district boards in the county to join in on the training to help defray the costs which are prohibitively expensive to smaller districts.

Of the current board, only chairwoman Marsha Kelley and board member Paul Bosetti were on the board during the hiring and subsequent resignation of former fire chief Joe Piccinini.

Former board members Butch Schafer and Norma Comnick were present at the meeting and gave their vocal support to the board's actions as well.

In other business, a new water tender under construction for the district is scheduled for completion in September, Nichols said.

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