Saturday, August 15, 2020

Marin Voice: Striving for diversity, Marin Civil Grand Jury reaches out to community

The Marin Civil Grand Jury is made up of volunteer applicants from the citizenry of the county.

Former jurors comprise the Marin Chapter of the California Grand Jurors’ Association. The members are all non-paid volunteers. The chapter’s functions include recruiting, interviewing and training of the jury. In order for a Grand Jury to be empaneled each year, it is the responsibility of the chapter to recruit applicants throughout the county. The chapter then facilitates the interview process as mandated by the Superior Court.

he presiding judge of the court makes the final decision in selecting the 30 applicants who are put into a drawing for the jury. The first 19 drawn are put on the jury and the remaining 11 are alternates. After they are empaneled, the chapter, in coordination with the state California Grand Jurors’ Association trains the new jury.

A recent letter published in the Marin Independent Journal questions the diversity and fairness of the Grand Jury.  We would like to address the issues brought forth in this letter.

California statutes dictate how the jury is formed. The chapter is bound by these statutes. Any changes made, such as dictating quotas based on race or gender, would have to be made by the state.

For many years, the chapter has aggressively attempted to increase diversity in the jury. Efforts have included a series of half-page ads in the IJ announcing the schedule of public information presentations and locations. The events have taken place throughout Marin, from Sausalito-Marin City to Novato and West Marin.

We’ve repeatedly scheduled informational programs throughout the county — including Marin City and the Canal neighborhood — with multiple notices posted on the social website NextDoor and in the IJ. In spite of the heavy promotion, people have not shown up in these two locations.  Banners and flyers have been distributed as well. Check out the banner that has been posted on the fence as you enter Marin City.

We face one inescapable problem. Service on the Civil Grand Jury requires the commitment of approximately 20 hours per week over the course of a year. Compensation is set by the state of California, not by Marin County, and consists of $20 per day for every day in which the jury meets.

Typically, a juror earns less than $3,000 for his or her commitment. The very nature of the Civil Grand Jury thus tends to limit participation to those with the time and financial means to devote to this service. This situation is not one of exclusion of minorities by the jury but lack of participation and inclusion by the minority community.

In the past, the Grand Jury Association reached out to citizens in the minority communities seeking ideas on improving diversity and we will continue to do so. Recently, members of our board met with the county’s new diversity manager who agreed to assist us in minority recruitment.

If the authors of the letter and any other citizens have productive suggestions as to how to attract a more diverse population, within the constraints described by statute in the California Penal Code, we would be happy to speak with them.

The authors of the letter mentioned a specific incident in Marin City that they hoped would be investigated by the Grand Jury. The process undertaken by the jury, which is strictly confidential, is as follows for all cases:

The Civil Grand Jury reviews “requests for investigation” complaints that have been submitted by the citizens. The jury then decides, based on several specific criteria, whether or not an investigation is warranted.

Everything submitted is confidential and the public will not know if there was an investigation until or unless a report is issued. We have no idea if the authors of the letter are aware of this or have submitted a complaint.

We suggest that all citizens go to the Civil Grand Jury website if they are interested in educating themselves on how the jury conducts its business.  It can be found at: The chapter website can be found at

Tom Borden, of Larkspur, served on the 2013-14 Marin County Civil Grand Jury and is president of the Marin chapter of the California Grand Jurors’ Association.

Marin Independent Journal
August 14, 2020

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