Wednesday, May 26, 2021

[Orange County] Grand jury suggests added audits in wake of O.C. sheriff’s department evidence-booking problem

 The Orange County Grand Jury is calling for additional audits to make sure sheriff’s deputies are following new department procedures meant to avoid issues with the late booking of evidence that in recent years has led to the dismissal or reduction of charges in dozens of criminal cases.

The county watchdog panel, in a report released Monday, said that the only way to tell if evidence booking deficiencies have been addressed would be by an independently conducted, impartial third-party audit of Orange County Sheriff’s Department reports submitted to prosecutors after March 2018.

The grand jury also suggested that the department set up a formal process for lieutenants to “spot check” evidence booking by deputies in order to increase accountability by department management, as well as integrate three separate electronic systems used in the evidence booking process.

The grand jury report indicated that such moves would help address concerns raised in the panel’s interviews with some prosecutors and defense attorneys regarding whether deputies are following new policies instituted by the sheriff’s department in order to safeguard against the mishandling of evidence.

“Our system of justice relies upon the proper collection and preservation of physical evidence, as well as the honesty and integrity of those who are sworn to ‘tell the truth,’” the grand jury report reads. “Therefore, it is imperative that those responsible for collecting and booking evidence do so in a way that does not compromise the justice system.”

The report acknowledged that “positive steps” have been taken by the department and cited “its willingness to address the problem,” while outlining what the panel believes are “areas that need improvement.”

“The Grand Jury commended OCSD for taking immediate action once evidence booking issues surfaced, initiating policy changes, and holding employees accountable through both discipline and referral to the DA for prosecution,” sheriff’s department spokeswoman Carrie Braun said. “The Orange County Sheriff’s Department is reviewing the Grand Jury’s recommendations and will implement any that we believe will strengthen our current procedures.”

Addressing the recommendation for a third-party audit, Braun noted that the county Office of Independent Review, which monitors the Sheriff’s Department along with other public agencies, has the power to look over the department’s evidence booking systems.

“We welcome OIR’s review of our evidence systems and believe it will confirm the effectiveness of the controls we have put in place,” Braun said. “The test of an organization’s strength is how it responds when problems or shortfalls come to light.  The Grand Jury Report confirms that the Department took swift action to correct the evidence issue.”

A review conducted by Orange County District Attorney’s office with the sheriff’s department, completed earlier this year of cases in which deputies were suspected of mishandling evidence, resulted in the dismissal or reduction of charges in 67 criminal cases.

The district attorney’s office declined to comment Monday on the specifics of the grand jury report, though the office has weighed in on the issue previously.

Officials with the Orange County Public Defender’s Office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

At least four deputies have been fired as a result of the evidence booking scandal. Two deputies have pleaded guilty to misdemeanors, a third is awaiting trial on a felony charge and more than 17 have been added to a Brady list, which means their names are provided to defense attorney’s as having credibility problems.

The joint review followed two internal audits by the sheriff’s department. The first concluded that deputies in nearly on-third of the examined cases were not following the department of booking evidence by the end of their shifts. The second showed deputies were sometimes not booking evidence at all, but were writing in their reports that they had.

Among the evidence at issue was methamphetamine, meth pipes, a switchblade, a stun gun and condoms.

Sheriff Don Barnes previously has said that his department took several steps to implement safeguard in the evidence booking process, including randomized spot checks of booked evidence.

The grand jury report acknowledges many of those new policies, including the move from a lengthy paper-based evidence submission process to electronic templates and increased review by supervising sergeants. The report also acknowledges that some lieutenants have been conducting spot checks of evidence submissions, though they have apparently not been formally documenting those efforts.

Orange County Register
May 24, 2021

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