Wednesday, May 19, 2021

[San Bernardino County] Grand jury probes ‘inappropriate contact’ between Redlands Unified staff, students

Parents are encouraged to email the San Bernardino County panel about what they know

The San Bernardino County Grand Jury is soliciting information from parents of Redlands Unified School District students about concerns involving “suspected inappropriate contact” between students and staff.

In an announcement Tuesday, the grand jury requested that parents email their replies to by June 7.

Administrators in the grand jury office would not comment Tuesday on the nature of the probe and whether it was prompted by a yearlong investigation by the Southern California News Group into a sex abuse scandal at the district spanning more than a decade.

The SCNG investigation revealed, among other things, that the school district failed to notify police in some cases where students alleged sexual abuse or grooming behaviors by teachers. The district also thwarted criminal investigations of teachers suspected of sexual abuse, destroyed evidence and ordered teachers and other staff not to cooperate with police in criminal investigations.

Redlands Unified paid out more than $30.2 million to settle sex abuse lawsuits with former students during the SCNG investigation, which prompted sweeping reforms at the school district. Those reforms included implementation of the Act Now initiative to enhance student safety and a six-page policy requiring school resource officers at every high school, handbooks for all employees on mandated reporting, and additional school counselors to focus on the “socioemotional” health of students.

For further information or comments, visit the grand jury website at Or, call the grand jury assistant at 909-387-9120.

San Bernardino Sun
May 18, 2021 at

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