Saturday, July 24, 2021

Vacaville City Council to respond to [Solano County] Grand Jury report in first in-person meeting since 2020

 Following a 16-month period of conducting all of its meetings over Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Vacaville City Council will return to the Council Chambers Tuesday for its first in-person meeting since March 2020.

On tap for this milestone meeting is a resolution confirming delinquent refuse collection accounts from the past year and the direction to place liens on affected properties, an informational update on legislation dealing with methane reduction and organics recycling, and a response to the recent Solano County Grand Jury report urging the city to stay on top of its unfunded liabilities.

In 2019, the Grand Jury issued a report urging the city to address the sustainability of the city’s retirement benefits package, or else it could lead to a loss in employees and services. In 2021, the Grand Jury issued a followup report opining that more needed to be done. The report requested a response from the council.

Included in the agenda for Tuesday’s meeting is a response to the findings and recommendations that were issued by the Grand Jury.

The first finding was that the unfunded portion of the city’s California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) pension plan increased from $126 million in 2011 to $209 million in 2019, and claimed that the unfunded other post-employee benefits liability was more than $80 million as of June 30, 2019.

In its response, city officials disagreed with the latter claim, indicating that the OPEB liability was $78.2 million as of that date.

The Grand Jury’s two-part recommendation included establishing an annual contribution schedule to retire the unfunded liabilities over a 10-to-15-year period and apply for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to make additional contributions toward reducing pension and OPEB liabilities. City officials wrote that the former recommendation had not been implemented on the pension side — although staff would be presenting a pension funding policy to the council later in the year — and the latter recommendation could not be implemented since ARPA funds could not be used to make deposits into a pension fund.

As for the CalPERS liability, officials wrote that the increase was due to the agency implementing measures to improve the long-term sustainability of the pension fund and stabilize future costs.

The Grand Jury’s second pair of recommendations was for the city to use an independent facilitator to negotiate all labor contracts and for all labor negotiations to address unfunded pension and OPEB liabilities. City officials wrote that both have been implemented and disagreed with the finding that current benefits packages were unsustainable.

“The City and labor unions have continuously worked over the last 15 years to work toward a sustainable model,” per the response. “Additionally, the City’s Five Year General Fund forecast projects the City being able to maintain reserves above policy levels throughout the life of the forecast while fully funding the projected annual contributions towards pension and OPEB.”

The third finding of the Grand Jury was that the city lacked control over health care premium rates set by CalPERS, which impeded the city’s ability to contain future health care costs. Its recommendation was to convert to a defined health care benefits model in future labor negotiations.

The city agreed with the finding, per its response, and noted that it had implemented the recommendation for all non-safety employees hired on or after Dec. 1, 2018 and safety employees hired on or after Jan. 1, 2020.

“While the City will continue to monitor and report on its unfunded liabilities, with the progress seen on the OPEB unfunded liability in recent years and total General Fund revenues projected to exceed expenses into the future, attempting to negotiate a reduction in healthcare benefits at this time is not warranted,” officials wrote.

The fourth recommendation was to re-establish the OPEB Advisory Committee, which first met in Jan. 2020 for the start of a 120-day term to study the unfunded liability and present its findings to the council. The report contended that the council took no action on the recommendations, and the committee was later dissolved.

Officials wrote that the committee would not be reformed as its recommendations have been addressed, including adding a third tier to the retiree medical structure to move toward a defined contribution plan. To address the recommendation for a sustainable fiscal plan, officials wrote that staff would consider taking advantage of the 50 percent General Fund reserve to establish a pension rate stabilization trust.

For its final recommendation, the Grand Jury proposed the council “take actions to ensure that issues affecting pensions and OPEB liabilities continue to be reviewed regularly and publicly.”

Officials wrote that this action has already been implemented, citing a March 2 study session on OPEB and hiring a professional actuary to study OPEB every two years, among other things.

Vacaville Reporter
July 22, 2021

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