Saturday, February 5, 2022

[San Bernardino County] Grand jury says Redlands Unified still lacks proper training to combat sexual abuse

 A district spokeswoman says administrators ‘will continue to conduct ongoing reviews of our policies, systems and protocols’

More than three years after the Redlands Unified School District adopted a series of reforms to combat the sexual abuse of students, a San Bernardino County grand jury has found school and district personnel still struggle with their legal duty to weed out predators within their ranks.

While praising the district for the protocols imposed in 2018 after a Southern California News Group investigation revealed nearly two decades of lapses in proper reporting of suspected abuse, the grand jury found that many employees are still vague on mandated reporter laws.

Additionally, school district personnel still do not have a clear understanding of “reasonable suspicion” — information rising to the level that it warrants reporting suspected abuse to law enforcement or the Department of Children and Family Services.

“All educators have a responsibility to ensure the academic success and wellbeing of their students,” the grand jury said in its 22-page report. “However, years of scandals, allegations, and criminal cases filed against Redlands Unified School District over sexual misconduct by staff and teachers involved with students, has caused adherence to this responsibility to be called into question.”

As part of its probe, the grand jury interviewed Redlands Police Department and Redlands Unified personnel, along with investigators hired by the school district as well as parents and victims.

It also reviewed incidents of sexual abuse between Redlands Unified staff and students from 2006 to 2017 along with laws governing mandated reporters — people in fields such as education, medicine, social work and clergy who are required by law to notify authorities of abuse suspicions and allegations.

‘Clearer understanding’ needed

The grand jury found that, across the board, Redlands Unified administration and staff need a “clearer understanding of how and to whom to report.”

The findings were among more than a dozen by the grand jury, which began investigating in February 2021 after reading a Southern California News Group article about another alleged sexual abuse victim of former Citrus Valley High School teacher Laura Whitehurst suing the district.

The district has paid out $41.3 million in the past five years to settle sex abuse lawsuits filed by former students who alleged they were preyed upon and sexually abused by teachers from 1999 through 2016.

Grand jury findings

Titled “Predatory Behaviors and Ignorance Within Redlands Unified School District: Has the School District Learned Its Lesson?” the report detailed several troubling discoveries by the grand jury.

Among the findings:

Staff members are choosing to report to the anonymous WE-TIP hotline and to administrators rather than police and CFS when they suspect inappropriate behavior between teachers and students.

The district lacks a formal written policy instructing staff to immediately notify parents when their child is being interviewed in a sexual abuse investigation.

The district has been inconsistent in its implementation of training and lacks ongoing training regarding mandated reporting, identifying grooming behaviors, and boundary violations.

Training has been lacking for students and parents in identifying predatory grooming behaviors.

The district’s parent-student handbook is bulky and arduous, peppered with legalese and not user friendly, and therefore is not often read. But recipients sign the form acknowledging they have read it because it is required for a student to register for classes. This, according to the grand jury, creates a “false narrative” that all parents and students have read and understand the contents of the handbook.

The district’s “Working Smart” tips on staff protocols for proper use of social media platforms and in communicating with students is not incorporated into district policies.

The deficiencies cast a pall over the strides the district has taken in the past three years to to get its arms around the issue. While the grand jury noted the district should be commended for increasing training and implementing its ACT (Actions Create Trust) Now initiative to enhance student safety, the grand jury said significant improvement is still needed.

The grand jury has recommended, among other things, year-round training at all schools and that all staff understand predatory grooming behaviors and what “reasonable suspicion” is during their annual performance evaluations.

“The grand jury is confident that the district, partnering with the community, can work towards making the training more effective in the future so that our most precious resource, our children, can be protected,” the grand jury said in the report.

District disappointed

In a statement, school district spokeswoman Christine Stephens said the district was disappointed with some of the findings, and that it appeared the grand jury failed to understand some aspects of the district’s efforts to address the issue.

“The district was not given an opportunity to refute and/or clarify any of the criticisms or items that may have been misunderstood or misinterpreted before the report was made public,” Stephens said in her statement. Under law, district officials have 90 days to prepare a written response to the grand jury’s findings and recommendations.

“Nonetheless, the district and this administration strongly believe in continuous improvement and will continue to conduct ongoing reviews of our policies, systems and protocols,” Stephens said.

She said the district has learned from the past.

“The current administration and Board of Education have been determined to implement new systems, policies, protocols and training to detect suspected child abuse and respond quickly and decisively,” Stephens said.

Lawyer: Problem ‘starts at top’

Attorney Morgan Stewart, whose Irvine law firm Manly, Stewart & Finaldi has represented most of the former student victims and alleged victims in sexual abuse lawsuits in the last six years, said in a statement that the school district’s failures noted in the grand jury report are the same failures he has seen for the entirety of his firm’s litigation.

He believes the grand jury missed the mark on holding those responsible for the problem accountable: administrators.

“They describe this as a top-down problem. Maybe it is time to replace the top down,” Stewart said. “I have never viewed the teachers as the problem in the district, it is the administration that is the problem. The grand jury report does not recognize the history of behaviors by administrators that the district continues to employ.”

He said he has three civil lawsuits pending against the district, and is about to file another lawsuit as well.

Charles J. Hobson, a professor of management at Indiana University Northwest and author of the book, “Passing the Trash: A Parent’s Guide to Combat Sexual Abuse/Harassment of Their Children in School,” agrees with Stewart that Redlands Unified officials should be held accountable.

“The problem starts at the top,” he said. “The superintendent and other district officials should be held criminally liable for failing to take the necessary corrective actions to prevent this problem. From my perspective, they and other mandated reporters should be considered accessories to child sexual abuse and prosecuted.”

Stephens countered that since Superintendent Mauricio Arellano was hired in 2017, the district has addressed its past deficiencies, which school board President Patty Holohan characterized as a “teachable moment for RUSD leadership.”

“We are proud the Grand Jury report validated that ‘RUSD follows the letter of law in the reporting of suspected abuse of children’ and that the district is ‘commended for increasing training’ since 2017,” Stephens said. “And, as always, we will continue to regularly assess our policies, systems, and protocols and adjust accordingly.”

Findings ‘not an anomaly’

Terri L. Miller, president of the Las Vegas-based nonprofit Stop Educator Sexual Abuse, Misconduct and Exploitation, said she isn’t surprised the grand jury found lingering mandated reporting deficiencies at Redlands Unified.

“Sadly, these findings by the grand jury are not an anomaly,” Miller said in an email. “The greatest form of neglect regarding sexual misconduct by school staff of students is lack of education of all stakeholders on defining and identifying misconduct, lawful mandated reporting to proper authorities, transparency and consistent adherence to policies designed to protect students.

“All educators owe a duty of care to students and parents,” she continued. “The fact of the matter is, students can’t learn if they don’t feel safe. The grand jury’s finding that victims suffer life-long trauma after being sexually abused at school is all too familiar to us at S.E.S.A.M.E.”

Miller agrees with most of the grand jury’s recommendations, but took issue with a suggestion that Redlands Unified should retain documented allegations of sexual abuse and grooming for a minimum of 10 years. She believes the records should be retained in perpetuity.

“There should be no opportunity for substantiated records of those who have committed sexual misconduct/abuse of a student to ever be concealed to prevent child predators from gaining employment in youth-serving organizations/institutions in the future,”  Miller said.

Redlands Daily Facts
By Joe Nelson and Scott Schwebke
February 3, 2022

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