Alameda County needs a radical transformation in the way legal defense services are provided, said Venus Gist, a ‘Shout Out Justice’ advocate. “As things now stand, these services almost always result in a conservatorship being granted. There are no trials. No appeals. Less restrictive alternatives are not seriously explored,” she went on.
Last week, the Alameda
County Grand Jury released its final report on the Alameda County Probate Court
and found numerous deficiencies that have been criticized by probate reform
groups for decades.
The Grand Jury found that:
· Probate Court staff is
severely overworked and understaffed;
· The Public Defender’s
office has no monitoring system to ascertain the service it renders to
beneficiaries to assure their needs are addressed;
· Guardians are not provided
formal training;
· There is no formal
grievance process;
· Beneficiaries who are poor
do not get the same level of service as those with means
· Involuntary
conservatorship can drain estates quickly because of lack of oversight.
The Grand Jury report has
given hope to probate reform advocates, who have been protesting these
deficiencies for years with little or no success.
Spectrum Institute has
been calling for Probate Court reform for eight years, especially in regard to
beneficiaries with disabilities.
“The report of the Grand
Jury sends a signal to the Alameda County Board of Supervisors that the status
quo of unnecessary and overreaching conservatorships must end,” said Spectrum
Institute Director Tom Coleman. “In terms of the responsibility to stop
conservatorship abuses, the buck stops with the Board of Supervisors.’
Coleman suggested that the
board should look to Nevada for solutions. “It should adopt a new system for
providing legal defense services to seniors and people with disabilities who
are targeted by these proceedings,” he said.
Recommendations from the
Grand Jury are that the Alameda County Defender’s office transfer the
responsibility of conservatorship to a separate agency with a contract
specifying standards be met in order to receive funding from the County.
The Grand Jury is also
advocating for a “Zealous Advocate,” a legal representative who assures that
the desires of the conservatee are addressed.
Conserved involuntarily,
Katherine Carter had to be ‘kidnapped’ from a long-term care facility by her
daughter, Venus Gist, a ‘Shout Out Justice’ advocate.
Carter had been neglected
to the degree that the facility had arranged hospice care. Risking arrest and
prosecution, Gist “illegally” removed her mother from the facility. Katherine
Carter lived an additional four years after being given 3 to 6 months to live.
“As both an advocate and a
victim of the probate court, I think it’s exceptional that the Grand Jury of
Alameda County has finally filed a report addressing the issues of
conservatorship within the Public Guardian’s Office,” Gist said. “Abusive
conservatorships are occurring nationwide and seldom are public servants such
as judges, attorneys, conservators, fiduciaries, etc. held accountable and
convicted of criminal acts committed towards their clients.…. it’s rarely
talked about, and families and caregivers are mostly blamed.”
Alameda County needs a
radical transformation in the way legal defense services are provided., Gist
said. “As things now stand, these services almost always result in a
conservatorship being granted. There are no trials. No appeals. Less
restrictive alternatives are not seriously explored,” she went on.
She agrees with Coleman
that the board should hire an outside firm to audit the public defender and
“look seriously at adopting the Nevada model for legal defense services in
Alameda County.”
To prevent abuses such as
the Carter family encountered, the Grand Jury recommends that a neutral
third-party entity be selected to conduct annual reviews of conservatorships to
assess attorney compliance and determine compliance with probate rules.
The Grand Jury also
recommended that attorneys take ongoing educational training in probate
conservatorship and establish annual performance evaluations. They also
recommend that a licensed health professional evaluate each client.
Although encouraged by the
Grand Jury report, Gist feels it did not go far enough and wishes they had
interviewed citizens who have been violated. Gist says, “If they are
investigating, conduct it thoroughly, it requires the whole truth.”
Oakland Post
Tanya Dennis
July 30, 2022
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