Sunday, September 7, 2014

(Butte County) Even council majority can’t disagree with Grand Jury

September 6, 2014
Oroville Mercury Register

It is amazing how many people in Chico are unaware of the Grand Jury report on the complete failure of the Chico City Council for the last 15 years. This seems to run through all economic classes. A few who are aware write excuses for the main City Council culprits suggesting the Grand Jury was some kind of right-wing conspiracy group. I call these writers the "lock step politically blind," who deny any blemish on their dogmatic progressive agenda.
Well the theory that the Grand Jury was some kind of right-wing conspiracy group just took a knockout punch to the jaw when the Chico City Council conceded the Grand Jury Report was correct. Should I say all but Ann Schwab, who is still blind to any budget problem.
The City Council agreed with Grand Jury recommendations except one where they correctly refused to have the City Council and city manager work together to develop a plan to rehire lost staff when funds become available. Already the city is one big unionized employee club spending all the money on salary and perks with barely any money left for the tools and materials needed to complete almost any job.
I originally meant to complain about the lack of painted lines on our streets and crosswalks or the fact our sewer system is crumbling. I realize now with such an unaware populace, doubletalk Scott Gruendl and other progressives will be re-elected to walk our fair city past the brink of disaster.
— B.K. Brooks, Chico

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