Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Mariposa [County] Grand Jury Report on the Status of the Mariposa County Landfill and Compost Facility

Blog Note: This article published the entire grand jury report. We post here only the summary.
The Mariposa Grand Jury 2014-2015 Final Report included an investigation into the Mariposa County Landfill and Compost Facility.
The Grand Jury conducted an overall review and evaluation of the Mariposa County Landfill and Compost Facility. This review was independently generated and examined the current operational status of the facility, as well as current and future issues Mariposa County will face regarding solid waste management.
The Grand Jury found the facility to be well managed and operating at a high level of efficiency considering the current state of equipment, staffing levels, and the regulatory mandates it must meet.
However, several serious issues involving the longevity of the Landfill, alternative plans for solid waste management, and the efficient operation of the Compost Facility currently face County  management. Some of these issues require timely decision making and implementation for Mariposa County to meet state mandated requirements, to commit to advantageous economic offerings, and to ensure County residents are well served by their government.
July 6, 2015
Sierra Sun Times

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