Thursday, April 1, 2021

[Humboldt] County has empaneled its civil grand jury

Humboldt County Grand Jurors’ Association | Former grand jurors advocating for our citizens

Congratulations are finally in order. Humboldt County has a new civil grand jury! Twenty-two members of our community have come forward and agreed to serve during this most challenging time. The Humboldt County Superior Court has randomly selected 19 of these citizens and sworn them in to serve on the civil grand jury for the next 16 months. The remaining three citizens have been identified as alternates, and are anxiously waiting their turn to serve if needed.

The empanelment ceremony occurred on March 8 in a massive Zoom ceremony with Judge Gregory Elvine-Kreis presiding. Several outgoing members of the previous grand jury were able to zoom in so the judge could express appreciation for their recent service. Members of the Humboldt County Civil Grand Jurors’ Association were also present to offer their support and encouragement. The new jurors onscreen all raised their right hands and took the oath of office which was far from in unison, but still moving.

Members of the new civil grand jury provide a good cross section of our community and will be led by Foreperson Jim Glover. The 19 names of the jury members are available for you to review on the county website: (https://humboldtgov. org/511/Civil-Grand-Jury-Members). The Humboldt County Chapter of the statewide California Grand Jury Association will provide all members extensive training on civil grand jury law and functions beginning March 23 and again on April 21 and 22.

We can expect the new civil grand jury to begin reading citizens’ complaints and selecting investigation topics within the next few months. Of course, due to the confidentiality of the civil grand jury, we will not know what they are investigating until they release their final reports. You can expect these to begin showing up early next year.

We owe these 22 citizens many thanks for their willingness to serve us; not just serve us for a year, but for the next 16 months. Since the pandemic has delayed the usual July-June term of office, this jury will serve until June 2022. They will be working at least 20 hours a week, interviewing, researching, discussing, and fact checking their findings. This effort will take them away from family, community, and some of the free time they may have had. All of this effort is being performed to help improve our county and city government functions in the hope that our quality of life will likewise improve.

If by chance you meet one of these jurors, feel free to thank them for their commitment to serve all of us. Tell them that you appreciate their commitment, and encourage them to give it their all. 

Eureka Times Standard
Wayne Ventuleth authored this column on behalf of the Humboldt County Grand Jurors’ Association
March 25, 2021

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