Humboldt County Grand Jury Association | Former grand jurors advocating for our citizens
March 8, 2021 the Humboldt County Civil Grand Jury was empaneled and will serve
a term ending on June 30, 2022. Typically, the empanelment would have occurred
around July 1, 2020 and lasted for one fiscal year, but this has been a unique
and challenging time. The Humboldt County Grand Jury Association (HCGJA)
commends the county citizens who have agreed to serve, hopes they have an
effective and rewarding term, and offers to them our ongoing assistance. One
way in which the statewide California Grand Jury Association (CGJA) and its
county chapters support local grand juries is through programs that provide
in-depth training.
served on the Humboldt County Civil Grand Jury from 2016-2018. Toward the end
of my first year on the grand jury, members of the California Grand Jury Association
(CGJA) asked if I would be interested in becoming a trainer. I applied to the
CGJA Training Committee, was accepted, and began my work as a grand jury
trainer in 2017. These volunteers consist of individuals with grand jury
experience and some who have served as grand jury legal counsels. We provide
legally required training to newly empaneled grand juries throughout the state.
offered in person, the CGJA training takes two full days; when done via Zoom
it’s done in three morning sessions. The training covers those topics needed to
assist jurors in being as productive and effective as possible. Many aspects of
the training also provide other benefits that can prove helpful in everyday
life after the grand jury term has ended. To provide just a brief summary, the
topics are as follows:
- Grand Jury Overview: Covers the mission and functions of the grand jury, a typical grand jury year, how the jury is organized and some important grand jury concepts such as confidentiality, independence and ethics.
- Grand Jury Law and Legal Topics: Includes the grand jury’s “watchdog” function and what the law says a grand jury must, may and cannot do; discusses the jury’s legal advisors and specific laws related to local governments.
- Local Governments: Lays out all the entities a grand jury can investigate such as county and city officials and departments, special districts and joint powers agencies (fire, water, lighting, waste management, etc.), and school districts, among others.
- Grand Jury Investigations: Provides information on how to be a “detective”, including selecting topics, and planning and conducting an investigation.
- Grand Jury Interviews: Focuses on an important part of the investigation process, including who to interview, and how to prepare for and conduct an effective interview.
- Grand Jury Reports: Offers an overview of producing reports, including types of reports, report content, and the writing process. Since reports are the grand jury’s only means of communicating with the public, CGJA also offers separate workshops specifically devoted to this topic.
- Grand Jury Collegiality: Explains the nature of collegiality, how it applies to grand juries in terms of being a collaborative body, and offers ground rules on how to achieve the best outcome.
some counties, including Humboldt, members of the local chapter also offer an
orientation training to the incoming jurors. Although the California Penal Code
lays out certain requirements for grand juries, each county also has its own
unique grand jury structure and processes. This 2-1/2 hour orientation training
focuses specifically on the individual county including the grand jury’s
relationship to the court and county, its specific rules of procedure, meetings
and attendance, and an annual timeline of activities.
training received by grand jurors, as well as the experience and knowledge
gained through the term of service, lead to contributions that make important
positive changes that benefit the citizens of the county. A wealth of information
is available on our website at in terms of who we are, what we do,
and the resources we offer to grand juries and the public.
By BERNADETTE CHEYNE on behalf of the Humboldt County Grand Jurors' Association
April 4, 2021
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