Thursday, August 20, 2015

[Glenn County] Orland responds to grand jury report

A Glenn County Grand Jury 2014-15 report states, "OVFD (Orland Volunteer Fire Department) is to be commended for the exceptional work it does in the community, along with its volunteers for spending so much of their personal time serving both the department and their community at large."
At the Orland City Council meeting on Monday, Mayor Jim Paschall concurred with that statement, saying he commends the firefighters and the department for the work they do.
He also noted the once all-male department now has a female firefighter.
"We are being progressive," Paschall said.
The council voted unanimously to respond to the grand jury report with a letter that addresses recommendations made by the grand jury in its report.
Responding to the jury's recommendation Orland and Glenn County establish long-term budget funding for fire department equipment replacement, the city states, "The Orland Rural Fire Department and OVFD — two technically separate parts of a unified response entity — trade off in purchase of each piece of equipment and share the use of all equipment mutually."
The response lists the equipment purchased for the fire department over the past 15 years, including a fire engine, medical rescue truck and a chief's truck. Other equipment purchased includes radios and personal protective equipment.
"Orland's support for OVFD tends to be $100,000 to $150,000 per year, depending on the requests of the department and the limitations of city resources," the letter states.
The city also has a Fire Apparatus Reserve for future OVFD purchases currently standing at $222,491 with an additional $50,000 to be added for this fiscal year, in addition to $5,000 for pagers and radios.
In addition, the city is actively looking to purchase a ladder truck. The estimated cost is $900,000, making a cash purchase unfeasible, so the alternative is find either a low interest loan or grant funding.
"The City Council is intent on asking voters in 2016 to approve a new tax (sales tax, or property tax assessment) to provide a sound and sustainable source of funding for the City fire department," the letter states. "This revenue source would be helpful now and is critical for planning the department's presumed eventual transition to partly paid professional staffing."
The grand jury is also requesting responses from the Glenn County Board of Supervisors and the OVFD on its report.
August 18, 2015
Glenn County Transcript
By Julie R. Johnson

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