Tuesday, June 9, 2015

[Mendocino County] Point Arena Schools’ Board of Trustees responds to report

The Point Arena Schools’ Board of Trustees has responded to a recent grand jury report which alleged the district’s mishandling of a high school drug testing policy, inappropriate Board behavior, Brown Act meeting violations and an ‘exorbitant’ salary paid to the district superintendent, among other topics.
Out of the 11 ‘findings’ by the grand jury, the trustees only agreed with two. The first being that the District Superintendent, Dr. Colleen Cross, failed to follow the established drug testing policy in taking reasonable steps to assure the confidentially of student drug testing results involving the girls’ volleyball team, which the grand jury alleged caused embarrassment to an involved student, and exposed the district to possible legal action.
In its response, the Board of Trustees acknowledged mistakes were made during the implementation of the drug testing policy in August 2014, which have since been further corrected as acknowledged in the grand jury’s initial report.
In the second agreement of the findings by the Board, the trustees acknowledged profanity that was allegedly used by a board member at a past meeting was unacceptable.
The Board of Trustees disagreed with the other nine findings, however, implemented all 12 of the grand jury’s recommendations.
It disagreed with the suspected Brown Act violations, which the grand jury said meeting minutes weren’t properly documented and the board consistently didn’t report out of closed session. The trustees disagreed stating the finding was vague and that the Board in fact consistently reports out of closed session during meetings. Despite the finding, the trustees agreed to the recommendation that all Board members and district administrators should receive annual Brown Act training.
An additional finding by the grand jury stated that Cross demanded a salary of $145,000 during a previous Board meeting, and if she didn’t receive it, she would leave. The Point Arena Board of Trustees disputed that request never took place.
The Board stated in its response that “the district has never paid the superintendent a salary of $145,000.” Also, based on a three-step salary pay grade, the Board stated that Cross is scheduled to make $139,996 for the upcoming 2015-16 school year.
Requested responses to the report from the Point Arena School District Superintendent, and the Mendocino County Office of Education Superintendent are still pending.
June 6, 2015
Ukiah Daily Journal
By Adam Randall

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